HX Venture Fund
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February 22, 2021

Venture Houston 2021 Agenda

The Houston venture and tech ecosystem is exploding and it’s time to get involved! Venture Houston 2021 is the premier virtual event for entrepreneurs and venture investors to plug into what is happening in Houston.

This event features many of HX Venture Fund's limited partner corporate CEOs and top portfolio VCs, Houston’s industry leaders, and emerging and successful Houston entrepreneurs.

KEYNOTE: A Conversation with Steve Case: How the Third Wave will hit the Third Coast

Venture Capital: High Octane Fuel Driving Returns and Innovation Among Institutional Investors

Material Sciences: The Material Role of Hardtech in the Next Wave of Innovation

Driving a Culture of Innovation: Key To a Startup's Success

Scaling Startups in Houston A VC and Entrepreneurial Perspective

Diversity: A Force Multiplier for Venture Capital

Thinking Past a COVID World What Changes to the Life Sciences Are Here to Stay? How is the Business

What's Next For Houston?

Houston VC: Truths Trends and 2021 Predictions

Game Changer Series

Game Changers: Houston is Shaping the Future with Innovations in Health Tech

Game Changers: Houston is Shaping the Future with Innovations in Cybersecurity

Game Changers: Houston is Shaping the Future with Innovations in FinTech

Game Changers: Houston is Shaping the Future with Innovations in Energy Transition

Game Changers: Houston is Shaping the Future with Innovations in Property Tech

Pitch Competition

Astros Track, part 1 Pitch Competition Semi-Finals

Astros Track, part 2 Pitch Competition Semi-Finals

Rockets Track, part 1 Pitch Competition Semi-Finals

Rockets Track, part 2 Pitch Competition Semi-Finals

Dynamos Track, part 1 Pitch Competition Semi-Finals

Dynamos Track, part 2 Pitch Competition Semi-Finals

Venture Houston Pitch Competition Final Round